| 1st. introduction.                                               |
| 2nd. Personal infos.                                             |
| 3rd. social media accounts.                                      |
| 4th. Family information.                                         |
|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |

| 1st. introduction.                                               |
Maya Martins, The owner of the 2 thousand members Da Hood cash selling server for her running her business, And getting paid in virtual "Robux" Currency mostly. The reason of me doxxing this creature is after me leaving her and her begging for 2 weeks straight for me to comeback to her, When my mind was kind of open about her and I messaged her about it, That she knows my relationship with LGBTQ is not the best she got a female girlfriend to herself while I was trying to fix her. Enjoy the dox fellas!
| 2nd. Personal Information.                                        |
Name: Maya Martins
Mugshot: https://prnt.sc/UvdLPFiHrGX9
Things owned: Roblox "Da Hood" cash selling server.
Race: American
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Relationship: In a toxic relationship and being used for the moment.
Day Of Birth: January, 20th
Age: 16 and she's known for being 13.
Indirect Address:
Country: United States of America
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75032
| 3rd. Social Media Accounts.                                       |
Discord: eden.#0120
Her discord server: discord.gg/edensdhmm
| 4th. Extra Information.                                           |
Maya Martins, (Known as Eden), Is a girl that used to get used in every single one of her relationships for money, For sex, For accounts.
Maya suffers from: Severe depression, Severe autism, Anexity, Trust & Daddy issues, LGBTQ.
Maya's Family is all LGBTQ And are member of it, And she is currenly in a relationship and is getting used by her current "Girl friend".
Maya cries everyday all day about how much she's a failure and is sad about how failing she is.

Y'all enjoy the dox and do your worst to her, Ciao.

Had to repost the dox because i provided something wrong.