                              /           ".                                                                           
                              `            l                        This is the end of a final battle of sorts, this girl has been seeking attention from the wrong people                  
                              |'._  ,._ l/"\                           in the wrong places, and she finally got the attention she wanted so bad. She had a friend group,                 
                              |  _J<__/.v._/                            all of whom dropped contact with her after she started catfishing as them online.               
                               \( ,~._,,,,-)                            Alicjia Ogrodowska, age 15 swiebodzin poland, Bambi Williams age 19 Akron New York, mckenzie macntosh, age 15 canada          
                                `-\' \`,,j|                             and kat, age 18 current residence italy. This is a final warning to just be normal people and stop trying to involve             
                                   \_,____J                             in extortion. Get a job, a hobby a life, something not as sad as this incel filled community you call home.                              
                             /  `-----..--'. j                             
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                         |\     l\_  `-'    .'         |     |  |                                     
                         llJ   _ _)J--._.-('           |     |  l                       Mazzy Page, her current phone number is posted on /upload/alissaslut that is the ONLY correct                  
                         |||( ( '_)_  .l   ". _    ..__I     |  L                       piece of information. Her emails and ETC. will not be added, out of respect for her struggling             
                         ^\\\||`'   "   '"-. " )''`'---'     L.-'`-.._                  parents. Jennie and Gregory, get your child under control.               
                              \ |           ) /.              ``'`-.._``-.                            
                              l l          / / |         Mazzy        |''|                                 
                               " \        / /  |                      |  |              Current schooling: Madisonville Consolidated Independent Middle School                              
                               | |       / /    "-..__                |  |              Current address: 1804 Treehouse Trl Apt. A College Station, TX 77845                                  
                               | |      / /           |       ,- t-...J_.'                                         
                               J  \  /"  (            l       |  |                                             
                               | ().'`-()/            |       |  |                                        
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    This female in particular has been brought to my attention a few times, notably for "catfishing" and having a horrible ego.
    The poor girl is just an insecure one, living in texas most of her life and having the biggest ego feeling untouchable because of
    the nature of her life. Her mother lost custody of her after countless child endagerment charges were brought to her and eventually
    she lost. This won't be super pretty or very detailed, just enough for that she can realize the world she's choosing to live in is not one she belongs.



Name: Jennie Nicole Page (female)
Age: Age 40 | Born: 1983/31/12
Mobile: (936) 395-2657 | (936) 395-0346 | (936) 395-0687 | The mother owns all three of these, no direct traces back to anyone but her, and the current 936-395-**** is under her ownership
Emails: mjicosmama1@gmail.com | gregswife11604@gmail.com | psman5@hotmail.com | gregswife11604@hotmail.com | gregswife11604@yahoo.com | gregswife@yahoo.com
Address: 1804 Treehouse Trl Apt. A College Station, TX 77845
    Previous Addresses: 1604 Hollowhill Dr. Apt. 806 Bryan, TX 77802


Name: Gregory Thomas Page (male)
Age: 42 | Born:  1981/07/12
Mobile: (936) 395-2657 | (936) 395-0687 | (936) 348-0881
Emails: psman5@yahoo.com | lil_d_of_blood@yahoo.com | glp2198@yahoo.com | john.ushman@gmail.com | deannanpage@live.com | evelyn71@pacbell.net | psman5@hotmail.com
Address: 811 Harvey Rd. Apt. 3 College Station, TX 77840
    Previous Addresses: 1804 Treehouse Trl. College Station, TX 77845 (Too many to list 10+ past addresses.)


Court Records: (case number & type ONLY)

Jennie Page: TX02672, Grimes County - District Clerk Tax Delinquency

Gregory Page: DC-24-01760, Dallas County - District Court Motor Vehicle Accident, 2/5/2024 | 2006535593 Lubbock County - District Clerk	Title IV-D Post Judgment | 17-8468-158 Denton County - 158th Judicial District Court Divorce with Children 10/3/2017 | TX02672, Grimes County - District Clerk Tax Delinquency


Extra details: This girl claims to have been involved in the bomb threat that was deemed false in Madisonville Consolidated Independent Middle School, less then 11 days ago.
She claims she had her boyfriend at the time call in a bomb threat so she could skip school. Whether or not this is true or false is not confirmed, but she is a horrible
pathological liar. I wouldn't put it past her to lie about this as well.


SVN and skid >:3

p.s SVN stinks