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                                         info on myles thomas
                                         age : 16
                                        race : white
                                       gender : male
                                      sexuality : gay
                                     country : wales
                                    city : port talbot 
                                   address : 37 silver ave
                                  snap : mylesthomas3535  
                                 insta : myleshthoms771
                                discord : dont have one
                               school name : saint josephs
                              school number : 01639 884305
                           mothers name : marrisa jaspers
                          mothers age : 46
                         mothers address : 37 silver ave
                        gender : female
                       sexuality : straight
                      [ also a drug addict and a abusive mother ]

                      father name : jason thomas
                     father age : 47
                    address : idk atm hes in spain
                   race : white
                  gender : man


                     brothers names : jay thomas & jack thomas
                    brothers ages : 20 & 24
                   race : white
                  sexuality : ones gay and ones straight
                 theyre address's : 27 silver ave & 2 brahms ave
                [ both very known drug dealers in the area ]

           yours sincerely, nosey#0002 from 693.