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                                    |                 Table Of Contents                  |
                                    |    0x00 Introduction............................   |
                                    |    0x01 Reason..................................   |
                                    |    0x02 Personal Information....................   |
                                    |    0x03 Education...............................   |
                                    |    0x04 Social Media Accounts...................   |
                                    |    0x05 Family Members..........................   |
                                    |    0x06 Outro...................................   |
                                    |    0x07 Credits &amp; Links.....................   |
                                    |      						 |

                                                •• 0x00 Introduction •• 
Hello welcome hackers to snows last dox to end snows carrer this will be his final dox.

                                                   •• 0x01 Reason ••
He tried suing and doxxing snow over none existing actions and says that snow hacked him even tho he had no connections and snow is retired 


                                              •• 0x02 Personal Information ••

Legal Name.................... Gareth Stanford
Occupation.................... Home Owner 
Gender........................ Male
D.O.B......................... 1996
Age........................... 24
Mobile Phone Number........... +1 778 214 4360
Direct Address................ 1012 Gobbler Ln , Waycross, GA 31503 8566
Country....................... USA
State......................... Waycross
City.......................... Georgia
ZIP........................... 31503 
Irl()s........................ Nathan J Hayes from Zephyrhills, FL, MARC ANTONIO STANFORD Rebecca A Stanford from Hiram, GA age 49


                                                      •• 0x03 Education ••

School........................  Went to Ware County High School (WCHS)
School Address................ 700 Victory Dr, Waycross, GA 31503, United States
School Phone.................. +1 912 287 2351

                                                       •• 0x05 Family ••

Legal Name.................... Rebecca Stanford
Gender........................ Female
D.O.B......................... Apr 1969
Age........................... 52
Mobile Phone Number........... (770) 943-9589
Direct Address................ 1012 Gobbler Ln , Waycross, GA 31503 8566
Country....................... USA
State......................... Waycross
City.......................... Georgia
ZIP........................... 31503 
Email(s)...................... falconkestrel@yahoo.com & stanghrn@bellsouth.net

Legal Name.................... Lee Stanford
Gender........................ Male
D.O.B......................... Feb 1935
Age........................... 86
Mobile Phone Number........... (912) 285-4386
Direct Address................ 1012 Gobbler Ln , Waycross, GA 31503 8566
Country....................... USA
State......................... Waycross
City.......................... Georgia
ZIP........................... 31503 
Email(s)...................... lms2735@gmail.com lms235@zoominternet.net leebones@worldnet.att.net & leebones@bellsouth.net


                                                 •• 0x07 Outro ••
  _                       _                       __  __ 
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 | |    / _ \ / _` |/ _` | | '_ \ / _` |   / _ \|  _|  _|
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                                               •• 0x08 Links & credit ••

snow { pent $ect }#0001 got all the info. Dox Written by Arkan#1450

    https://pastebin.com/pb1Uw8Nb - my last message