Hi Good Morning / Good Afternoon / Good Evening /

Hi My Name Is Max And I AM The Friend Of Mr Jason Neo His Instagram Name Is : https://www.instagram.com/call_sign_november_/
He Is Fighting For His Life In A ICU Hospital Due To Blood Loss By Slashing His Wrist Because Of Moth Who Is From Germany
Well Ok Here's  What Happen When My Friend Was Talking To Her And A Guy Name Called Jesus Thats What She Call Him He Said 
He Said That Moth Does Not Want To Talk To My Friend ( Jason ) He Got Upset And He Took A Pen Knife To Cut His Wrist 
While That Guy ( Jesus) Keep Saying Mean Things To Him..

How I Knew About His Wrist Was That His Mom Called My Phone And Told Me To Come Over To The House, Apon Arriving At The House 
I Saw His Wrist Was Bleeding Non Stop And He Lost Alot Of Blood Due To The Wrist Was Cut Open. When The Paramedic Has Arrived 
They Said There's 50 / 50 Chance Of Survival He Would Make It. When We Heard This News From The Paramedic His Mom Was Crying So 
Hard The Mom Said Hes The Only Son They Have In This World So We Plea The Paramedic To Rescue Him..

The Person Who Causes This Hard Time For Us And Her Name Is Called Moth She Has Since Deleted Her Instagram Account But We Do Have Her 
Discord Account.. 

So Im Asking If Anyone Can Help Out Please Help Out This Is Very Serious A Person Life Was Involved In This Situation

This Is Moth Instagram Account' : https://www.instagram.com/s0me.b1tch/
This Is Her Discord Account : will35688
This Is Her IP Address : 52.524530,13.410040

Anyone From Germany Or Anything Please Help His Life Is At Stake In The Hospital. And She Had A Freind Name Zeth Idk If He Had Her New 
Accnt On Instagram

Zeth Account : https://www.instagram.com/zeth_the_emo_demon/

Thx You For Your Understanding I Hope You All can Help :)