⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀          ⠀⢀⣠⢖⣠⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

            `7MM"""Yb.     .g8""8q.`YMM'   `MP' 
            MM    `Yb. .dP'    `YM.VMb.  ,P   
            MM     `Mb dM'      `MM `MM.M'    
            MM      MM MM        MM   MMb     
            MM     ,MP MM.      ,MP ,M'`Mb.   
            MM    ,dP' `Mb.    ,dP',P   `MM.  
            .JMMmmmdP'     `"bmmd"'.MM:.  .:MMa. 
            Doxed By : ex
            Reason   : saying he was going to dox 9 year old kids on discord

            [+] Username : v-l0ne
            [+] Display Name : Vlone
            [+] ID : 715999343898787920
            [+] Avatar : none
            [+] Created At : Fri, 29 May 2020 18:45:46 UTC
            [+] Token : None
            [+] E-Mail : none
            [+] Phone : 919-225-4611 
            [+] Nitro : none
            [+] Friends : 8532_1/solar_la_star_
            [+] Gift Code : none

            [+] IP Publique : none
            [+] Ip Local : none
            [+] Ipv6 : none
            [+] Isp : none
            [+] Org : none
            [+] As : none

            [+] VPN Y/N : No

            [+] Name : Datavius Smith
            [+] Username : v-l0ne
            [+] Display Name : vl0ne

            [+] Plateform : idk
            [+] Exploitation : idk
            [+] Windows Key : idk
            [+] MAC : idk
            [+] HWID : idk
            [+] CPU : idk
            [+] GPU : idk
            [+] RAM : idk
            [+] Disk : idk

            [+] Screen Main : non
            [+] Screen Secondary : none

            [+] Phone Number : 919-225-4611
            [+] Brand : Iphone
            [+] Operator : none
            [+] Type Number : Fixe
            [+] Country : United states
            [+] Region : Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic
            [+] Timezone : Eastern Daylight Time

            [+] Gende : Male
            [+] Last Name : Smith
            [+] First Name : Datavius
            [+] Age : 19

            [+] Mother : Krystal Patterson age 42 6ft
            [+] Father : idk
            [+] Brother : none
            [+] Younger Sister : Jordyn Dixon age 15 5'7
            [+] Older Sister : Yasmine Smith age 24 5'8

            [+] Continent : North America
            [+] State : North Carolina
            [+] Region : Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic
            [+] Postal Code : 27704
            [+] City : Durham
            [+] Address : 2702 Hinson drive
            [+] Timezone : Eastern Daylight Time
            [+] Longitude : -78.877600
            [+] Latitude : 36.029820

            SOCIAL: TikTok @dd_got_dripp , Discord @v_l0ne , Facebook is Datavius Smith