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                                 \~ | V             - minute aka lostmin                
                                  \  |                                        


victim: serenity/serenityswattedyou/serenityoldgen


reason: being a retarded e-whore that thinks riding aud makers is funny


name: Serenity Sutherland


past: started dating aud makers n when she wanted to hop on me she said 
                      ''i want a long lasting relation''
ofc i fell for it LOL but that was b4 she legit spread her legs to the whole aud com


 - mother /unknown
 - father /positive  /note/raped and still beats her lmfao
 - siblings /positive 


Nationality: american


phone number: +1 (586) - 277 - 8112


last known location: 16900 Kennedy Dr E 7204, Fraser MI 48026


her friend group being downbad in my tt dms LOL:






SIDE NOTE: try to remove this now huh idc if were cool, any of the pastes i make stay up idc


Made by minute aka lostmin