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she thinks religion is a big lie and shit and she thinks we eat meat we go to hell she big fucking Karen
Real Name: Karen Diekmeyer
address 136 Pointe-Claire Ave
Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4M5 

Mother info
Mother: Gerda Schade [10]
Known as Gerda Diekmeyer, and "Oma" in Miss Karen English Teacher's videos
Birth Date: 14 December 1934
Birth Location: Germany
Death Date: 26 December 2014
Last Known Residency: Beaconsfield, Quebec
Known Occupation: Physiotherapist, musician at orchestra, chess player
Children: 3; Peter (Pete), Karen and Christine (Christie)
Grandchildren: 9
Relationship: Married to George Diekmeyer from 1956 to his death
Political Affiliation: Green Party of Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gerda.diekmeyer
Obituary: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/montrealgazette/obituary.aspx?n=gerda-diekmeyer-schade&pid=173799663#sthash.uoFeM8Ii.dpuf


Father: George Diekmeyer
Birth Date: c. 1935 or 1936
Death Date: 2014
Last Reported Age: 78 (2013)
Last Known Residency: Beaconsfield, Quebec
Occupation: Investor, musician at orchestra, chess player
Political Affiliation: Green Party of Canada 

Siblings she got 
Christine Diekmeyer
Full Name: Christine Joan Diekmeyer
Known Residency: Ottawa, Ontario
Education: University of Toronto (1990)
Occupation: Doctor/Family Medicine
Spouse: Dr. Todd Bastianon [15]
Company Name: Dr. Bastianon Medicine Professional Corporation
Issued Date: 30 November 2009
1355 Bank Street, Suite 600 Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8K7, Canada
629 Rue Principal, Casselman, Ontario, K0A 1M0, Canada
Work Phone Number(s): 613-737-4809, (613) 764-5440
Fax Number(s): (613) 739-3723
Misc info: https://doctors.cpso.on.ca/DoctorDetails/C-Diekmeyer/0051784-65763

Peter Diekmeyer
Full Name: Peter Diekmeyer
Known Residency: Dorval, Quebec and Montreal, Quebec
Occupation: Writer, Translator
Address: 275 Rue Malcolm Circle, Dorval, Quebec, H9S1T6, Canada
Phone Number(s): (514) 631-0025
Email Address: peter@peterdiekmeyer.com
Website: peterdiekmeyer.com
HEC Montreal (1987-1995)
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec (1984-1985)
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec (1981-1984)
Company Name: Peter Diekmeyer Communications
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-diekmeyer-4327733/

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tiktok username: thatveganteacher
Facebook page maybe I don't know run by a fan I don't know https://www.facebook.com/ThatVeganTeacherTikTok/ here Facebook main Facebook page

These pictures of her https://ibb.co/Sr0P1Jv