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                                                                    ;W,   E#,   .KG  ,#D              .E#f    .KG  ,#D           L#E   
                                                                  j##,  E#t   EE    ;#f            iWW;     EE    ;#f         G#W.   
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                                                                :E####,  E#t  :#G     GK          tLLG##L   :#G   G.GK       E#K.     
                                                              ;W#DG##,  E#t   ;#L   LW.            ,W#i     ;#L  DWW.     .E#E.      
                                                              j###DW##,  E#t    t#f f#:            j#E.       t#f j#L     .K#E        
                                                            G##i,,G##,  E#t     f#D#;           .D#j          f#D#j#.   .K#D         
                                                          :K#K:   L##,  E#t      G#t           ,WK,            G#t .   .W#G          
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                                                          ,,,      .,,   ,;.                   ,                     :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

                                                        Hello, my dear friends, today on the paste we have a very unique character, his
                                                        name being all legendary (yet unknown) torture764, AKA "mentally scarred", 
                                                        He claims to be an xtorter, whilst having 0 signs to his name. He is 15 years old,
                                                        and has 0 dollars to his name.

                                                        His face: https://www.mediafire.com/view/0ncp9ugduplvm2n/IMG_6575.jpg/file

                                                        [================================[Personal Info]=================================]

                                                        »  Name.......................: Angelo Martinez 
                                                        »  Age.........................: 15
                                                        »  Location of Birth...........: Monroe, NY	
                                                        »  Location....................: 19 Andrianne DR, highland mills NY  
                                                        »  Race........................: Mexican
                                                        »  Sexual Orientation...........: Straight 
                                                        »  Gender.......................: Male
                                                        »  Weight.......................: 145
                                                        »  Height.......................: 5'7
                                                        »  Mobile Phone Number..........: +18456291849


                                                        »  Current Address..............: 19 Andrianne DR, highland mills NY   
                                                        »  Current School...............: Monroe-Woodbury High School
                                                        »  Current School Location......: 155 Dunderberg Rd, Central Valley, NY 10917


                                                        »  rippy10@proton.me,drizzyhoundin@gmail.com | p4ss....: Angelito1/
                                                        »  angelmazar99@gmail.com                    | p4ss....: Angelito1/
                                                        »  mazariegodaniel@yahoo.com                 | p4ss....: Angelito1/
                                                        »  nahdrizzy@gmail.com                       | p4ss....: Angelito1/
                                                        »  pointblankchii@gmail.com                  | p4ss....: Angelito1/

                                                        »  ⚠️ [SSN] Social Security Number: "452-43-6957" 
                                                        »  ⚠️ [DLN] Driver License: "#"


                                                        »  Discord ID.........: 1228992176407445505 (lookup with https://discord.id)
                                                        »  Tiktok.............: wtfdrizzy  


                                                        »  Discord Tag.........: ew91cibhihn0dxbpzcbmdwnraw5nig5p (daunting.sql)
                                                        »  Discord Tag.........: tokenlogger (silent.sql)