Troy Hazel
in Charlotte, NC (North Carolina)
Age 27
Current Address
13055 Hamilton Green Dr
Charlotte NC 28273
Mecklenburg County
Since December 2013

Phone Numbers
for Troy Hazel in Charlotte, NC
(704) 405-7083 (Primary Phone)
Intermedia Communications Inc - NC
First reported December 2013
(704) 615-9463
Sprint Spectrum LP
First reported February 2022

Email Addresses
for Troy Hazel in Charlotte, NC
Also Known As
Troy R Hazel
Troy Rasheed Hazel
Troy R Troy
Hazel Troy
Troy Rasheed Hasel
Tyana Hazel

of Troy Hazel in Charlotte, NC
Angela Hazel
Hyacinth Hazel
Jeffrey Orr
Rahja Hazel
Randy Hazel
Randy Hazel
Romeo Hazel
Claudia Azille
Corey Hazel
Cory Orr
Donna Orr
Hazel Toms
Janet Hazel
Janet Hazel
Joanne Onomastico
Mary Azille
Masonie Hazel
Megan Cullen
Morvin Hazel
Rosalie Williams
Tonya Hazel
Show Less...
Alex Petty
Billy Surratt
Carlos Surratt
Carrie Surratt
Forrest Toms
Gibson Williams
Helena Toms
Jeffery Williams
Joanne Onomastico
Joseph Onomastico
Joseph Onomastico
Joshua Petty
Joshua Toms
Leon Ryan
Michael Petty
Paige Onomastico
Raymond Surratt
Sherry Chambers
Tammy Wyatt
Tommy Surratt

of Troy Hazel living at
13055 Hamilton Green Dr, Charlotte NC 28273
Jamie Thomas
(704) 837-2412
13049 Hamilton Green Dr
Charlotte NC 28273
Marcellus Bowles
(954) 391-8303
13043 Hamilton Green Dr
Charlotte NC 28273
Damali Richburg
(704) 905-3844
13037 Hamilton Green Dr
Charlotte NC 28273
R Lemus
(704) 200-4561
13031 Hamilton Green Dr
Charlotte NC 28273
Robin Henshaw
(704) 996-1106
13013 Hamilton Green Dr
Charlotte NC 28273
Peggy Gibouin
(704) 595-7434
13012 Hamilton Green Dr
Charlotte NC 28273

Troy Hazel is 27 years old. Currently Troy lives at the address 13055 Hamilton Green Dr, Charlotte NC 28273. Troy has lived at this Charlotte, NC address for about 8 years, after moving in around December of 2013.

Public records do not indicate that Troy Hazel is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Troy: Angela Hazel, Hyacinth Hazel, Jeffrey Orr, Rahja Hazel, Randy Hazel, Randy Hazel, Romeo Hazel, Claudia Azille, Corey Hazel, Cory Orr and Donna Orr.

Troy's current phone number is (704) 405-7083. This Landline number was issued by 'Intermedia Communications Inc - NC', first reported in public records on December of 2013. Past phone numbers for Troy include (704) 615-9463. The primary email address for Troy is Troy has also used the following email accounts: and

Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Troy Hazel?
Troy Hazel is 27 years old.

Where does Troy Hazel live currently?
Troy Hazel's current address is 13055 Hamilton Green Dr, Charlotte NC 28273. Troy has lived there for about 8 years, since December of 2013.

Who is related to Troy Hazel?
Troy Hazel is likely related to the following people: Angela Hazel, Hyacinth Hazel, Jeffrey Orr, Rahja Hazel, Randy Hazel, Randy Hazel, Romeo Hazel, Claudia Azille, Corey Hazel, Cory Orr, Donna Orr

What is the best phone number for Troy Hazel?
Troy Hazel's latest phone number is a landline at (704) 405-7083.

What is the best email for Troy Hazel? is the most current email on record for Troy Hazel.

Is Troy Hazel alive today?
Yes! Troy Hazel is living today.

Does Troy Hazel go by any other names or aliases?
Troy Hazel may also go by the following names or aliases: Troy R Hazel, Troy Rasheed Hazel, Troy R Troy, Hazel Troy, Troy Rasheed Hasel, Tyana Hazel

What email addresses have been used by Troy Hazel?
Troy Hazel has used the following email addresses:,

What phone numbers have been used by Troy Hazel?
Troy Hazel has been registered with the following phone numbers: (704) 405-7083, (704) 615-9463

MAK Address Info
MAK	4371484955      Personator Search by MAK
Suggest an Edit	13055 Hamilton Green Dr  
Charlotte NC  28273-6959
Address Type	Residential
Date Added	1/15/2015
Lat. & Long.	35.080749    -80.988648 
Postal Carrier Route	R164      Map
Census Block	371190059182000      Map
Census Entities	County 37119 Mecklenburg      Map
County Subdivision 93268 1, Charlotte     Map
Tract 0059.18      Map
Block 2000      Map      Block Parcels
City 3712000 Charlotte        Map
School District	Unified: 02970 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools         Map & School
State Upper District	041      Map
State Lower District	092      Map
Property	Property Info