_____                                                             _____                                                                                                                                                 _____                  
 ____  \    \ ______   _____            _____   ______   _______    _____\    \ ____________          ______  ______   ______   _____                _____           _____                    _____             _____     _____\    \ ____________    
 \   \ /____/|\     \  \    \      _____\    \_|\     \  \      \  /    / |    |\           \         \     \|\     \ |\     \ |     |          _____\    \_       /      |_             _____\    \       _____\    \   /    / |    |\           \   
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|_____| /\|_|/   \ \_____/\    \| \_____\|    | /_____/ |/_____/|| \____\/    | /___________/ |       /_____/|/_____/|      /_____/  /       | \_____\|    |\__/|| \_____\ \_____\|\____\ /____/|   |\____\ /____/|    | \____\/    | /___________/ | 
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|_____|            \|____|   | | \|_____|    |||_____|/  |____|/  \|____|   | ||___________|/         |____|/|_____|/       |_____|/          \|_____|     |\|_|/ \|_____|\|_____| \|___||____|/     \|___||____|/      \|____|   | ||___________|/   
                         |___|/         |____|/                         |___|/                                                                       |____/                                                                   |___|/                  

minidox because niggas a pedo also a fake ass nigga who ditched all her friends to be lesbian + defending the person who cheated on her when we exposed her gfs ass for cheating so we harassed her ass like niggas downbad
who DOES THAT LMAO ????????
go ahead and say the dox is shit nigga because i wouldnt give 2 fucks + thats the only info i have on her anyways also if u niggas cry over a paste then u niggas mad disabled ???????? anyways enjoy the dox nigga

NAME: Evie Grace
DOB: 15/7/06
ADDY: 8 Cassiobridge Road
HOUSE: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/960888192171659345/983789222936838204/unknown.png
FACE: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/975412061901320202/979436503530876938/unknown.png?width=868&height=478
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/943477310391222272/946822890635022366/IMG_1183.jpg?width=269&height=478 (work on ur shitty make up paki)
ALIASES: evie (currently the one shes using), fizzy, fiizymemes, vaphoria, FadinqMeme, prxessents, 0_Fizzzy, Fiiizzzy, Eviexoxyt, Katiexox_yt

HER BEING CHEATED ON AND DEFENDING THE PERSON WHO CHEATED ON HER (whos the dumb nigger that would do this):

HER BEING A PEDOPHILE: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/764476416368443412/983034096177520680/unknown.png?width=702&height=478
if you niggas gonna complain about me saying that a 15 year old talking sexually explicit to a 12 year old is not pedophillia then whats this:
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/764476416368443412/983034436822110238/IMG_8862.png?width=221&height=478 (keep in mind its confirmed that liv was feeling uncomfortable after she said sent those)

alright so like accounts she has:
twitter: https://twitter.com/mivlon
youtube: kinda lost it so probs deleted now
roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/405362965/profile
https://www.roblox.com/users/720323773/profile (used to be her sisters account but now is an alt)
discord: evie#6000 (id incase if she changes everything: 503679293038264372)
alt discord account: evie#5847 (id: 653195966609883138)
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31f5kxf3jnyrkflvt4znbijcavia (not really useful but why not add it)
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gethackedlollllidi (HOW U GET HACKED U FUCKING NIGGER)
snapchat: evvvoe (dunno if its changed but alr)

  ___    ___  ________   ___  ___          ________   ________   ________    _________        ___  ___   ___   ________   _______           ________    ___   ________   ________   ________     
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  \ \    / /  \ \  \\\  \\ \  \\\  \       \ \  \     \ \   __  \\ \  \\ \  \    \ \  \       \ \   __  \\ \  \\ \  \ \\ \\ \  \_|/__       \ \  \\ \  \\ \  \\ \  \  ___\ \  \  ___\ \   __  \  
   \/  /  /    \ \  \\\  \\ \  \\\  \       \ \  \____ \ \  \ \  \\ \  \\ \  \    \ \  \       \ \  \ \  \\ \  \\ \  \_\\ \\ \  \_|\ \       \ \  \\ \  \\ \  \\ \  \|\  \\ \  \|\  \\ \  \ \  \ 
 __/  / /       \ \_______\\ \_______\       \ \_______\\ \__\ \__\\ \__\\ \__\    \ \__\       \ \__\ \__\\ \__\\ \_______\\ \_______\       \ \__\\ \__\\ \__\\ \_______\\ \_______\\ \__\ \__\
|\___/ /         \|_______| \|_______|        \|_______| \|__|\|__| \|__| \|__|     \|__|        \|__|\|__| \|__| \|_______| \|_______|        \|__| \|__| \|__| \|_______| \|_______| \|__|\|__|