dox made by swear#0001 

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│           >[Table Of Contents]<           │
│ →0x01 Introduction........................│
│ →0x02 Basic Information...................│
│ →0x03 Family Information..................│
│ →0x04 Social Media Platforms..............│
│ →0x05 IP Information......................│
│ →0x06 House Information...................│
│ →0x07 Database Entries....................│
│ →0x08 Court Records.......................│
│ →0x09 Credits & Links.....................│
<!> You have to learn the rules of the game before playing it. <!>

<           0x01 >[Introduction:]<         >
Weird girl with a weird ego on the internet.
Consumed by the attention she gets by people on the internet they probably dont know this is what she looks like though.

<           0x02 >[Basic Information:]<    >
Alias: Juno / daisukki
Victim's Name: Lex Cloer
Phone #: +1 (336) 247-1956
Address: 978 Remer Regan Rd, Lexington, NC 27292
Discord: misery#2009
Discord ID: 998735871798947890

<           0x03 >[Family Information:]<   >
Mother: Barbara Cloer
Age: 65 (Sep 1955)
Phone #: (336) 247-3091
Mom's PO Box: Po Box 698, Wilson NC, 27894


Father: Travis Cloer
Age: 42 (May 1979)
Phone #: (336) 247-1955


Aunt: Laura Cloer
Age: 56 (Dec 1964)
Phone #: (336) 237-7333
Adress: 1695 Concrete Works Rd, Lexington NC, 27295
Winston Salem NC 27107


Aunt: Betty Cloer
Age: 60 (Nov 1960)
Address: 261 Lamb Rd, Lexington NC, 27295


Granpda: Michael Cloer
Age: Deceased
Phone #: (336) 787-4705
Address: 515 Crews Lake Rd, Lexington NC, 27295

<           0x04 >[IP Information:]<       >
(don't care enough to do them)

<           0x05 >[Social Medias:]<        >

<           0x06 >[House Information:]<    >
Current Address: 978 Remer Regan Rd
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sq Ft: 2,240
Market Value: Around $250,000


Past Addresses:
1. 1018 Remer Regan Rd, Lexington NC, 27292
2. 515 Crews Lake Rd, Lexington NC, 27295

<           0x07 >[Database Entries:]<     >
(don't care enough to do them)

<           0x08 >[Court Records:]<        >
(don't care enough to do them)

<           0x09 >[Credits & Links:]<      >

                                        /  |                                    
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