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                  .'` `'.                /////}              `\/
                 /  .""".\              //{///    
                /  /_  _`\\            // `||
                | |(_)(_)||          _//   ||                       +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                | |  /\  )|        _///\   ||                       |                              REASON FOR DOX                              |
                | |L====J |       / |/ |   ||                       +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
               /  /'-..-' /    .'`  \  |   ||                       | well if you go to the original dox youll see why which is here           |
              /   |  :: | |_.-`      |  \  ||                       |---->  https://doxbin.org/upload/moegalalwomanbeater                      |
             /|   `\-::.| |          \   | ||                       | if you dont want to ill tell you the reason. he attacks innocent women   |
           /` `|   /    | |          |   / ||                       | who has done nothing to him. so im here to add information and make the  |
         |`    \   |    / /          \  |  ||                       | dox look better. lets get started!                                       |
        |       `\_|    |/      ,.__. \ |  ||                       +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        /                     /`    `\ ||  ||
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       |                     |         |/  ||
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   | |   | (___) || (__/ / | |      | (__      | |   | || (__    
   | |   |  ___  ||  __ (  | |      |  __)     | |   | ||  __)   
   | |   | (   ) || (  \ \ | |      | (        | |   | || (      
   | |   | )   ( || )___) )| (____/\| (____/\  | (___) || )      
   )_(   |/     \||/ \___/ (_______/(_______/  (_______)|/       
 _______  _______  _       _________ _______  _       _________ _______ 
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| (    \/| (   ) ||  \  ( |   ) (   | (    \/|  \  ( |   ) (   | (    \/
| |      | |   | ||   \ | |   | |   | (__    |   \ | |   | |   | (_____ 
| |      | |   | || (\ \) |   | |   |  __)   | (\ \) |   | |   (_____  )
| |      | |   | || | \   |   | |   | (      | | \   |   | |         ) |
| (____/\| (___) || )  \  |   | |   | (____/\| )  \  |   | |   /\____) |
(_______/(_______)|/    )_)   )_(   (_______/|/    )_)   )_(   \_______)

                                                @ 0x10 | Personal Information........ @
                                                @ 0X20 | Family Information.......... @
                                                @ 0x30 | Outro........................@ 

   ✗ 0x10 ➢ Personal Information

      ✗ Alias
      idiotic women beater 

      ✗ Basic Information
      Name ➢ Mohamed Galal
      DOB  ➢ July 2000
      Age  ➢ 20
      IRL  ➢ N/A

      ✗ Address And Address Information  
     3600 McLaughlin Ave
     Los Angeles, CA 90066

     | Beds: 5
     | Baths: 6
     | House size: 3,930 sqft
     | Stories: i believe 2
     | Heating: Forced air, Gas
     | Cooling: Central
     | Year built: 2017
     | Type Of House: SingleFamily
     | Lot: 6,825 sqft
     | Tax History:  Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
                     2020	$23,651	$1,928,743(+2%)
                     2019	$23,651(+4.9%)	$1,890,926(+2%)
                     2018	$22,552	$1,853,850(+14.1%)
                     2017	$22,552(+14.9%)	$1,624,500(+58.5%)
                     2016	$19,621(+45.8%)	$1,025,000(+51.8%)
                     2015	$13,458(+62.2%)	$675,031(+2%)
                     2014	$8,296	$661,809(+5%)
                     2012	--	$630,000(+11.1%)
                     2011	--	$567,000
                     2010	--	$567,000(-10%)
                     2009	--	$630,000(-30.2%)
                     2008	--	$902,700(+2%)
                     2007	--	$885,000(+188.5%)
                     2006	--	$306,733(-49%)
                     2005	--	$601,800(+104.1%)
                     2004	--	$294,824(+1.9%)
                     2003	--	$289,422(+2%)
                     2002	--	$283,748(+4%)
                     2000	--	$272,731


      ✗ Phone Number/Number Detail
      Number: (310) 876-0352
      Carrier: Time Warner 
      Cable:853C - NSR/1
      Is Wireless: N
     ✗ Other Number/Number Detail
      Number: (310) 877-3337
      Carrier: Sprint PCS/2
      Is Wireless: y 
      SMS Gateway Address: 13108773337@tmomail.net
      MMS Gateway Address: 13108773337@tmomail.net

      ✗ His Email
     (Personal Email)
    (Work Email)

      ✗ Description 
     • Sex: M
     • Ethnicity: Indian 
     • Hair Color: Black/Dark Brown
     • Eye Color: Brown
     • Height: 6'1
     • Weight: N/A

     ✗ His shit social Media 
      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_moegalal/

     ✗ Previous School
      California State University, Northridge
      Avg cost after aid: $8,243
      Graduation rate: 50%
      Acceptance rate: 59%
      Address: 18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330
      Phone: (818) 677-1200
      Undergraduate enrollment: 34,911 (2018–19)

      Average annual in-state cost: 
                                   Before aid: $23,645
                                   After aid: $8,243


     ✗ 0x20 Family Information
      __________  __________
      Status: living
      Relation: Some Relative 
      Name: Hassan M Galal
      Age: 47
      DOB: September 1974
      IRL: N/A

      ✗ Address And Address Information  
      3311 S Bentley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034
     | Beds: 4
     | Baths: 3
     | House size: 1,850 sqft
     | Stories: 1/2
     | Heating: Forced air, Gas
     | Cooling: Central
     | Year built: 1958
     | Type Of House: SingleFamily
     | Lot: 7,573 sqft
     | Tax History:         Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
                            2020	$16,117	$1,313,259(+2%)
                            2019	$16,117(+4.9%)	$1,287,510(+2%)
                            2018	$15,359	$1,262,266(+2%)
                            2017	$15,359(+2.2%)	$1,237,517(+2%)
                            2016	$15,026(+2.3%)	$1,213,253(+2.2%)
                            2015	$14,694(+18.2%)	$1,187,000(+18.7%)
                            2014	$12,435	$1,000,000(+28.5%)
                            2012	--	$778,000
                            2011	--	$778,000(-11.4%)
                            2010	--	$878,000(-13.9%)
                            2009	--	$1,020,000(-6.7%)
                            2008	--	$1,093,440(+2%)
                            2007	--	$1,072,000(+83.7%)
                            2006	--	$583,600
                            2005	--	$583,600(+4%)
                            2004	--	$560,940(+1.9%)
                            2003	--	$550,660(+12.7%)
                            2002	--	$488,700(+56.6%)
                            2000	--	$312,000

      ✗ Previous Schools 
      Palms Middle School
      Address: 10860 Woodbine St, Los Angeles, CA 9003
      Phone: (310) 253-7600
      Population: 1,256 usnews.com
      District: Los Angeles Unified School District
      Lowest grade: Sixth grade
      Highest grade: Eighth grade

      Venice High School
      Address: 13000 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066
      Phone: (310) 577-4200
      Number of students: 1,984 (2018–2019)
      Founded: 1911
      Mascot: The Gondolier, (Gondo)
      NCES district ID: 0622710
      CEEB Code: 054069
      Motto: Rowing, Not Drifting
      Student to teacher ratio: 22.71    


             ;::::;       "get doxxed bitch now,             
           ;::::; :;       who made this? show credits!"              
         ;:::::'   :;      /                  
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| (    \/| (    )|| (    \/| (  \  )   ) (      ) (   | (    \/| || |
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| |      |     __)|  __)   | |   | |   | |      | |   (_____  )| || |
| |      | (\ (   | (      | |   ) |   | |      | |         ) |(_)(_)
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(_______/|/   \__/(_______/(______/ \_______/   )_(   \_______)(_)(_)

   ✗ 0x30 ➢ Outro
   big w me