stupid nigga guilt trips other girls and constantly bounces around different e girls
he cuts himself over his thot ex gf jessa and has a fat ass ego of btc that he
blows on heroin & razor blades to cut himself with LOL also has a age reg kink ??
he makes girls call him dada & calls them little girl & princess LOL

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                                      -+-                                          0x01 [Personal& fam  Information  ]                                      -+-         
-Alias ,  Prophet  , 
                                                                                     + Gov > Roland Fayaad 	
                                                                                     + Age > N/A	
                                                                                     + Current Address > 511 W Menomonee St, Chicago, IL 60614
                                                                                     + IP Address >
                                                                                     + L&L >  87.6532 | 41.9409

                                                                                      + Gov > Inami Fayaad
                                                                                      + Age > 36, September 1981
                                                                                      + Current Address >  511 W Menomonee St, Chicago, IL 60614
                                                                                     + Gov > Ajmal D Fayaad
                                                                                     + Age >  38, August 1983
                                                                                     + Current Address >  511 W Menomonee St, Chicago, IL 60614