__________.___.____    .____    ________  __      __  _________ .____     ___________   _____   ____  __.
\______   \   |    |   |    |   \_____  \/  \    /  \/   _____/ |    |    \_   _____/  /  _  \ |    |/ _|
 |     ___/   |    |   |    |    /   |   \   \/\/   /\_____  \  |    |     |    __)_  /  /_\  \|      <  
 |    |   |   |    |___|    |___/    |    \        / /        \ |    |___  |        \/    |    \    |  \ 
 |____|   |___|_______ \_______ \_______  /\__/\  / /_______  / |_______ \/_______  /\____|__  /____|__ \
                      \/       \/       \/      \/          \/          \/        \/         \/        \/
(aka kanav sharma) he will deny its also fake but its all real, when this info was presented to him
he was a scared little bitch until his muslim friend said "just act like its not urs" and nigga thought
we was dumb

                   @@@@@@@@@@@@@                  theres no allah to unpaste you nigga keep worshipping and hope he saves you                                                 
             @@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                    @                @@                  
            @@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                     @@@@          @@@@@                  
           @@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                      @@@@@@@    @@@@@@@                   
          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                   
          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                    
         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                    
         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                    
        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                 
        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@               
        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@            
       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                   @@@       @@@@@@@@@                       
       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                              @@@@@@@                        
       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                             @@@@@@                         
       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                              @@@@@                         
       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                               @@@                          
        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                               @@                          
                @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                                   @@@       
                 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                              @@@         
                   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                        @@@@@          
                     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                 @@@@@@@            
                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                      @@@@@@@@@@              

wouldnt really say its a dox considering i do not give a fuck about this stupid indian muzzie but here it is


nigga shook up once i said the name "Naman Karan" not sure who it is but

kanav sharma
nov 26
age 16
number +1 (347) 445-1508
ip address
emails kanavsh8@gmail.com kanavsharma457@gmail.com icecammy@gmail.com
previous password Monkey2007

face: https://ibb.co/mFBNsf1 https://ibb.co/bzmn5F2

i definitely  didnt get cheat on by every single e girl i had and got cucked. i am a proud indian muslim. and i repeat. I DO NOT GET
CHEATED OR CUCKED. also i never cried over my most recent egirl nini and was gonna give up on discord relationships because nini left me cuz she had
feelings for her ex still. THIS DIDNT HAPPEN TO ME im jus sayin and also sayin that if i told my parents i was a muslim they would kick me out which means
they love me so much 

baby pic: https://ibb.co/y6CBx0h

his ex egirls instagram:

user: jheneaikosfangrl

id: 48423404919

User ID: 1169025086863450154

 Username: yapptron.#0

 Created: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 21:28:20 UTC

discord 2
User ID: 1195475149005267016

 Username: lamp.21#0

 Created: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 21:11:26 UTC

insta id: 50255176859

roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/4563719658/profile

Provider: Omnipoint Communications
Usage: Cell Number
Country: US
Location: New York, NY
Area code: 347
Prefix: 445
M - Omnipoint Communications, Inc. - NY
(347) 445-1508
New York City, Ny, United States βΈ± Local time 17:01
Email n3479018134@gmail.com

Zip Code:    10013

Request ID:    PcgT1U39o6

SMS Domain Format
Email domain for sending email to SMS (text).    3474451508@tmomail.ne
Timezone:    Eastern
Current time:    4:38pm
Carrier:    Omnipoint Communications, Inc. - Ny
Wireless/Landline:    Wireless
hes in manhattan

addy: none rn

Phone type


Carrier provider

Verizon Wireless

Caller Name


City, State

NWYRCYZN11, New York

Country Code


Phone number


National format

(347) 445-1508




ISP:CloudFlare Inc.

Services:None detected

Country:United States

State/Region:New York

City:New York City

Latitude:40.7132 (40° 42′ 47.49″ N)

Longitude:-74.0061 (74° 0′ 21.83″ W)

wish i could put his call records that was in his area codes in here but this dumb site wouldnt let me

if you just didnt be fake nun of this woulda happened i mean think bout it nigga if u didnt say that message to dat 1 nigga
none of dis woulda happened but instead u chose to be a fucking idiotic ass nga and fuck up "allah" should of guided you better
he failed you because hes not real u stupid fucking muslim