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Hello  hackers!

                      Zero123 snaked sai then attempted to get back close to to him mutiple times because zero is completly harmless
                      without him and used sai to dox for him so he could extort 
                      underage egirls and still ended up somehow failing to get egirls

                      Let me tell yall about moby/zero123 when he came onto the internet he wa  obsessed with minecraft pocket edition the game for mobile minecraft players
                      even starting his own clan later be became friends with people vamoy hell and vian which gave him a massive ego but i dont know why
                      that ego stands as he extorts underage females online and begs them for esex  as all of this is on video 

                      moby is currently 16 years old living with his parents and used to like spending
                      time with his grandma until she unforuntally passed recently.

						   - Moby meme collection (Zero being a weird child predator) -

 [                                                           ALIASES / PSUEDONYMS                                                                ]

Alias(s):									Psyedonyms:
		zero (Most recent)								Moby

 [                                                           BASIC INFORMATION                                                                   ]

  -  Name: 	Moby
  -  Age: 		16
  -  Date Of Birth: 	30/8/2005 (proof)   https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/963504722470375464/963857455350181898/IMG_7654.png

 - Location: Queensland Brisbane

 - Address: 62 Palm Street, Kenmore QLD 4069

  -  Ethnicity:		Indian

  -  IRLs: 		https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/963574839686348871/963620300988239882/C06DEE90-53C3-46F9-A316-08048F48DC4D.jpg

 - Devices:		- Iphone x
 [                                                           HOME INFORMATION                                                                    ]
- Address: 62 Palm Street, Kenmore QLD 4069
- town/city: Kenmore QLD
- country: Australia
- House Type: Single Family Household  
- Bedrooms: 4
- bathrooms: 3
- Car:       2
- Property Size: 1,693
- House Price: $942,165
- Rent: $795
- Year built:  2004
- Pictures of it :

 [                                                           POLICE STATION                                                                      ]

The police station info for his area is:
161 Hume Street, Toowoomba City, 4350
number: (07) 4631 6333

 [                                                           EDUTCATION/SCHOOL                                                                   ]

  -  Education:		Kenmore state high school (International)
				Address: 60 Aberfeldy Street Kenmore QLD 4069
                                website:  https://kenmoreshs.eq.edu.au/
				Phone:    (07) 3327 1555 			

 [                                                             SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                      ]

  » YouTube:
     - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChszsOUL_CfB12YXiavhkgg
		Archived videos:
      - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2SP1Ghf7-As3dl2mUtv6aw
  -  Snapchat:														
     - https://snapchat.com/add/xxzero123xx								
  - Twitter: 
     -  https://twitter.com/zer0steppin  (Jacked)

  - Discord:
     -  zero.#0101 (ID: 410574071957553152)
     -  zero.#1010 (ID: 410574071957553152) (termed)
     -  zero.#0001 

  - Minecraft:
     -  Zero123 - 
	- Zero123MCPE:
- Fortnite:
     -  Zero123_xd 

 - Tiktok:
    -      https://www.tiktok.com/@itzzero123

  - Twitch:
     -  https://www.twitch.tv/zero123

 [                                                               EMAIL ACCOUNTS                                                                  ]

    - Email: zero123mcpe@gmail.com	        /                                                
    - Name: zero 123		               /  Twitter				    
    - GoogleID: 115745644409816885674         []  Google			2021-05-04 15:40:11
    - Status: Alt	 		       \  					
    -  Creation Date: 2021-05-04 15:40:11	\     


  [                                                                   CREDITS                                                                     ]

                                                                 We would like to thank you for boarding onto ViLE Airlines.                                                                                                                                                
            _\ _~-\___                                                                                                    
    =  = ==(______)                                                                                                                         
                \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._                              Captain: sai                                               
                /     o O o o o o O O o o o o o o O o  |\_                            Co-Captain: goliath                               
                `~-.__        ___..----..                  )                          Flight Engineer: vian                
                      `---~~\___________/------------`````                            Sexy Stewardess: Trems                                                                      
                      =  ===(_________D                                                                               


  [                                                                  ZERO123 DOXED                                                               ]