Name: Samia Kalmoy Email: Number: (651) 802-5954 Gender: Female iPhone Mobile United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:3559:1fba:fcdf:85ae) 1:24 am (13 minutes ago) Authorized Application ( Show details United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:3559:1fba:fcdf:85ae) 1:20 am (17 minutes ago) Authorized Application () Show details United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:3559:1fba:fcdf:85ae) 1:20 am (17 minutes ago) Authorized Application ( Show details United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:a161:3d1e:942f:e4a9) Jan 29 (2 days ago) Authorized Application ( Show details United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:d9b:1a8e:3837:4036) Jan 28 (3 days ago) Authorized Application ( Show details United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:8032:1535:fcb6:41fc) Jan 26 (5 days ago) Authorized Application ( Show details United States (MN) ( Jan 25 (6 days ago) Authorized Application ( Show details United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:b9d2:76a:3c05:6179) Jan 23 Authorized Application ( Show details United States (MN) (2601:447:d182:6c50:99e8:cc8c:9abe:cef7) Jan 22 Woodbury, MN, USA 32 minutes ago First sign-in: Jan 21 iPhone Woodbury, MN, USA Last activity: January 31, 1:36 AM Signed out First sign-in: Jan 31 This session was used only briefly, and not recently. It’s already ended and has no access to your account. iPhone Woodbury, MN, USA Last activity: January 31, 1:20 AM Signed out First sign-in: Jan 31 This session was used only briefly, and not recently. It’s already ended and has no access to your account. Tele: User ID: 1125609252602519663 Badges: none Username: .ziaxd Created: Tue, 04 Jul 2023 02:09:18 UTC Banner Color: Pink Race: Black { "ip": "", "country_code": "US", "country_name": "United States of America", "region_name": "Minnesota", "city_name": "Stillwater", "latitude": 45.05262, "longitude": -92.8464, "zip_code": "55082", "time_zone": "-06:00", "asn": "46969", "as": "Stillwater Area Public Schools", "isp": "Stillwater Area Public Schools", "domain": "", "net_speed": "COMP", "idd_code": "1", "area_code": "651", "weather_station_code": "USMN0715", "weather_station_name": "Stillwater", "mcc": "-", "mnc": "-", "mobile_brand": "-", "elevation": 213, "usage_type": "EDU", "address_type": "Unicast", "continent": { "name": "North America", "code": "NA", "hemisphere": [ "north", "west" ], "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "district": "Washington County", "country": { "name": "United States of America", "alpha3_code": "USA", "numeric_code": 840, "demonym": "Americans", "flag": "https:\/\/\/assets\/img\/flags\/us.png", "capital": "Washington, D.C.", "total_area": 9826675, "population": 331002651, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "United States Dollar", "symbol": "$" }, "language": { "code": "EN", "name": "English" }, "tld": "us", "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "region": { "name": "Minnesota", "code": "US-MN", "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "city": { "name": "Stillwater", "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "time_zone_info": { "olson": "America\/Chicago", "current_time": "2024-02-06T20:31:54-06:00", "gmt_offset": -21600, "is_dst": false, "sunrise": "07:23", "sunset": "17:27" }, "geotargeting": { "metro": "613" }, "ads_category": "IAB5", "ads_category_name": "Education", "is_proxy": false, "proxy": { "last_seen": 0, "proxy_type": "-", "threat": "-", "provider": "-", "is_vpn": false, "is_tor": false, "is_data_center": false, "is_public_proxy": false, "is_web_proxy": false, "is_web_crawler": false, "is_residential_proxy": false, "is_spammer": false, "is_scanner": false, "is_botnet": false }